Official Launch – Discover New Perspective

product-launch-featuredHello friends,

I’m excited to share with you something new I am doing.  After a 5 ½ year journey, I am now a certified LifePlan facilitator from the Paterson Center .  I personally experienced a LifePlan in 2008 and it was one of the most formational experiences of my life.  My LifePlan facilitator encouraged me at the time to pursue becoming a certified facilitator.  I did not pursue it at the time, but about a year ago I started the process and completed my certification earlier this year.  I have spent the past 6+ months gaining experience facilitating LifePlans for clients and setting up Discover New Perspective. I am finally ready to “hang out my shingle.”

I have not left my work at Youthfront which I love, rather, I am doing this as a supplement to my work at Youthfront.  You can read much more about what LifePlanning is at Discover New Perspective.  There is so much more to this story than I have space to share, but for now I can tell you that this is fulfilling a life-long dream of mine.  I believe this is one of the greatest contributions I can make to people and the mission of God.

There are three things you can do to help me:

  1. Please keep me in mind if you know of anyone who is “stuck” and can use a wholistic one-on-one experience.  This proven experience deals with the following life domains: vocation, family, faith, community and self.  I am amazed to see how powerfully this experience has shaped others – including myself.
  2. Help me tell others.  This is a unique experience to help individuals at a unique time of life.  While you may not know much about the experience, I am hoping that your trust in me is enough for you to recommend this to others in your network who might benefit from the experience.
  3. Please choose one of the following ways to “follow” me.  I will send occasional updates as to how this work is going and to remind you of this experience in case you come across someone later who might benefit from this experience.  Feel free to chose the mode of communication you prefer:
  • Blog:  Subscribe to our blog –  /blog/

I will be posting more in the near future about the back story of this adventure.  Thanks for your time and help.  It means a great deal to share in this with my friends and colleagues.


Jim Newberry – Discover New Perspective