The LifePlan experience is a one-on-one, two day intensive experience customized specifically for you. LifePlanning originally created by Tom Paterson of the Paterson Center is a proven, spiritually and behaviorally sound process intended to help you discover your unique design, clarify your life mission, and apply your discoveries to your personal, family, vocational, faith, and community life domains.
A signature mark of the LifePlan process is a heavy emphasis on gaining full perspective. Accordingly, the first day and a half is spent reaching full perspective on where you stand today, how you got to where you are, and what you are called to do and become (and consequently, what you shouldn’t do or become). The process moves you through four phases with further clarity and breakthroughs in each of your five LifeDomains (Self, Family, Vocation, Faith, and Community). The last half-day is spent crafting plans for each life domain and creating an accountability and management framework to help you manage and renew your LifePlan in the future.
A Closer Look at the Five Domains
One of the distinctions of a LifePlan compared to similar experiences is the wholistic nature of the process. Tom Paterson discovered that maximum fulfillment and success happens once a person has balance and intentionality in all 5 domains as each of them impact one another.

This domain refers to the “margin” in your life, interests that you might have, health, etc. Only you get into this domain; no one else.
This domain includes parents, spouse, children and influential extended family members. This is not referring to all extended family.

This is the domain in which a person relates to their personal faith or spiritual values and corresponding community.
This domain is where a person lives and interacts to the society at large; may be one’s neighborhood or city and includes friends, neighbors, volunteering opportunities, etc.

This is the domain of work or career. Sometimes this domain goes through seasons, but it is normally the part for you of which you get paid or contribute to your family.
The LifePlan process guides you to deeper awareness of your giftedness and your life’s purpose. Your LifePlan will help you integrate and optimize your life purpose and vision into your life domains through customized, doable action plans. As a LifePlan participant, you will walk away with:
• Purpose, Clarity, Focus, Answers and Hope
• A ‘whole life’ strategy consistent with your values
• Clarity concerning your vocational alignment
• A five year plan that defines success in 5 life domains
• Practical steps and tools to measure progress in living the life you were meant to live.
• Success and confidence from having participated in a supportive, six-month life development process

What does it cost?
A LifePlan is a comprehensive, whole-life audit designed for courageous men and women who are committed to personal renewal. Participants devote two days to the initial LifePlan experience and commit to a three-month follow-up coaching process that ensures success in putting the plan into action.
Please contact us for more information on the cost of a personalized LifePlan. We do our best to work with clients on price and we offer discounted pricing for those in ministry or the non-profit sector.
The Paterson Network
The Paterson Center’s history really began with Thomas G. Paterson. For many years, Tom worked in the corporate planning arena inside companies like Douglas Aircraft, IBM, and RCA. In1970, Tom launched a new career as a consultant. Tom and his associate Ted Smith designed an innovative approach to planning that could accomplish clarity, alignment, and breakthrough in just two days.